full moon totem, bug-rabbit alliance

" my goodness, this little rabbit is so different from the master. summoning and transforming, what's going on? "

"i've heard that this little one is good at healing and recovery. he's a top-tier support-type pet. how come i haven't seen the skills that he should have and have all the skills that he shouldn't have?"

three question marks in one head.

ji ranran, leng mi yue, and zero were also dumbfounded.

they didn't expect the little rabbit to change so much after its evolution. it was so big that it once again exceeded their imagination.

not to mention xibei chuan, although he maintained a calm expression, he frowned. in a short moment, there was an indescribable psychological activity.

the fireball was initially only the size of a palm.

however, with the constant infusion of flames from the little rabbit, it actually expanded to 15 meters in an instant!