the rose witch and the unrestricted shadow girl

the rose witch was the same as the tomato warrior and sugataru, they were all spiritual monsters.

she was more than two meters tall and had a pair of extremely full breasts. her body was slender, her waist was strong, and her thighs were plump. her skin was covered with colorful rose petals, like delicate fish scales, but it did not give people a dense sense of fear.

she had a body fragrance, a strong rose fragrance.

when he came out of the prison carriage, it was already spread out in front of him, as if he was in an ocean of flowers, and the mood of those who smelled it would relax.

however, the rose witch had the ability to calm others down, while her own face was as stiff as dead ash.

that pair of colorful pupils had clearly been wrapped up in fear.

that figure with her chest tucked in and her shoulders shrunk, where was the graceful and elegant charm.

she was afraid.

he was afraid of the unknown and death.