duo er is bold, willing to bet her life!

in the transcendent world, light faced dark existences, kindness faced evil existences, and living beings 'wisdom and ignorance, tolerance and hatred, greed and satisfaction would always be a part of the opposition of yin and yang. it was difficult to separate and dismantle.

bai wushang wouldn't judge the 21st ghost street as a heinous place just because of what he had seen and heard for three to five days.

compared to the absolute beginning evil spirit, they weren't even considered evil.

this was the most common survival of the fittest game!

however, the tomato warrior, the frost-breaking bird, and the lightning-armored rhinoceros, the three families of the little devil king, plus the succubus queen and the evil wolf demon of the grand sale, even though they knew that bai wushang had more than enough financial resources and might be hiding the " king explosion ", they still chose to oppress and plunder.