god of cookery's talent-spicy seasoning

"hu ~-hu-hu-"

bai wushang flipped up from the ground.

it was too exciting.

it was too exciting.

this feeling of forcefully obtaining the bloodline seemed to have nothing to do with his body's constitution.

the experience it gave bai wushang was worse than death.

if it were to happen again ...

i can do it a few more times!

bai wushang clenched his fists, his heart surging with emotions.

frozen storage, fragrant taste buds, constant temperature fire.

there was also the shark of gluttony.

he already had a bunch of bloodline traits.

the spicy seasoning that dropped from the rank 5 food god's treasure chest was already rated as 'intermediate' before it was integrated with the food god's talent.

what did this mean?

this meant ... it was very fragrant!

no matter how trashy the bloodline was, it was still a treasure that ordinary master could only dream of.

if he used it well, perhaps his life would change ...

"ji ji ji ji!!!"