death god's claw

"xiao ci!"

bai wushang's spiritual world reminded the big mantis, and it instantly understood.

it was still accelerating. under the stimulation of the devil peppers, the afterimages of the furious lightning wings were hard for even the overlord to catch.

when the scythe of heavenly tribulation struck down, gongyang ni's pupils slightly expanded.

the long-browed spirit bearded duke, who was bound by the contract, clenched his fist immediately as if he had pressed a switch.

"bang! bang! bang!"

with a violent explosion, the arhat monkeys that had been stacked up actually exploded.

there was no smoke, no fire, and it was a pure " sonic boom "!

even the desolate flame heavenly bull that was chasing behind them had to let out a sharp screech. it was affected by the chaotic airflow and the ear-piercing sound waves, causing its flight to pause.

"very good, martial monkey! use the long armed monkey fist!"