the heavenly tomb

bai wushang looked to both sides. he was surrounded by plains. it couldn't be said that not a single blade of grass grew, but it was also desolate and dilapidated, bearing a sense of desolation.

"have you noticed that the closer we get to this place, the fewer relic saint beasts there are?"

he muttered to himself and looked up at the sky.

as the white clouds drifted past, the broken walls and buildings were clearly shining brilliantly.

however, his heart felt heavy, as if a stone was pressing down on it. his chest felt blocked and his throat felt dry.

" this place is definitely not simple. it can actually display the sorrowful aura of heaven and earth ... "

"if a slightly weaker living being were to approach this place, they would probably commit suicide or self-harm due to excessive grief and tears ..."

"let's go up and take a look."

xing called out and took the lead to dive upwards.