the pillar of heaven, reveal!

"a miracle creature?" the star god sneered. " the sky is already cracked. how much power can the so-called will of the great path have left? "

"twin ghosts, fierce woman, red lips ... i'm almost done killing them here."

" let's go to the pillar of heaven. i'd like to see if the wicked sky, the demon drum, and the death knell are so vulnerable! "

with that, the star god gave up on fighting the divine frost giant. taking advantage of the faceless rat god's trip, she rushed into the gate of the giant god palace.

the rest of the evil gods had different expressions, some were uneasy, some were confident.

other than the unconscious queen mecha, the rest followed and launched a general attack on the giant tribe's hinterland.

"where are you going!"

the divine frost giant was furious. it had failed to capture the star god, so it waved its 1000 frost warhammers.