The eight-armed Divine Dragon ape and the dark jade Rabbit

It was the second complete nine-word secret that Bai Wushang had obtained so far.

Its positioning was similar to the secret of the blaze character, but the actual effect was vastly different!

Bai Wushang also didn't expect that the feasibility of the [ water Qilin ], which had been explored a few years ago, would now show real results.


the great qilin, qianqian, was actually quite happy!

in its normal form, the world purifying flame was white in color and unbearably hot.

Even Sen po, who was at the same level as him, didn't want to touch it for no reason.

Now that it had become water, it was not only rapid but also cold. It belonged to another form of violence.

During the battle, he would definitely be able to catch his enemies off guard and let them experience the might of the Coldwater Qilin.

the Azure general has been turned from fire to water. This is the easiest attribute reversal to predict and guess.