A mechanic

In the huge training ground that could accommodate the battle of progenitors, yang lü's white clothes were like snow, and her golden hair was like weaving.

Although there were faint wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, it was difficult to eliminate the erosion of time.

However, that elegant and tranquil charm, from inside to outside, was more prominent than before.

She had changed.

Bai Wushang couldn't describe how he had changed.

However, when she took off her Monocle, one of her eyes was exposed, and it also refracted a metallic luster.

Bai Wushang realized that the extent of the change would only exceed his expectations, and it would definitely not be lower.

"wushang zhenzhen, you've grown up."

Yang lü stared fixedly at Bai Wushang's face, muttering to herself, "

"in my impression, you're still a young man."