Search for the Mysterious Man!

The next day, in Goethe Town.

Baron Godel once again came to the base of the Shadow Raider Organization. He stomped on the table and broke it into pieces, but such venting could not vent the anger in his heart.

"You Idiots!" Godel pointed at the person in the dark and scolded loudly.

"I have received intelligence that your so-called excellent assassin was beheaded in the wilderness before he even got close to the village! Do you think such a thing can assassinate Vivian? You useless things!"

In the dark, the man said in a deep voice, "Baron, you should know that there are very few assassins above tier-4, not to mention in a small town like ours. Do you think it is easy for me to raise a Zellanz?"

Baron Godel cursed, "I need results! Not you complaining to me!"

The man said in a deep voice, "Baron Godel, I will refund the deposit you paid."

Baron Godel narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you want to back out?"