I’ll Leave You With Some Surprises

On the other side, Su Han quickly shuttled through the forest. The Wolf King was floating not too far above his head. He used a vine to tie up the paralyzed Wolf King, and like a kite, he swiftly jumped through the forest.

He used levitation and driving, the two wheels of law, to make the Wolf King, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, float beside him.

When these two wheels of law were combined, they formed a control ability similar to telekinesis. In Su Han's heart, this wheel of rules was vaguely defined as one of his godly skills.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the sky gradually darkened.

Su Han came to the bottom of a cliff, found some twigs, and built a bonfire. He tied the Wolf King to a tree trunk and began to sharpen his knife.

Although the Wolf King's body was numb, it remained awake for a moment. Seeing Su Han sharpening his knife, all the wolf fur on its body stood up in fear, and it howled.