Then Kill Him!

The Amethyst Maiden's petite body, however, erupted with tremendous power.

A sword strike from above struck the lower jaw of the Earth Dragon, instantly causing blood to splatter in the air.


With a pained dragon's cry, the Earth Dragon fell heavily backward, its hard scales directly cleaving apart. This sword strike actually directly chopped off half of the Earth Dragon's lower jaw.

Flesh and bones fell to the ground with a bang. The Amethyst Maiden also fell to the ground at the same time. Magic power kept spilling out from her arm. This sword actually directly injured her.

Vivian showed a shocked expression. A tier-6 Earth Dragon was even equivalent to a tier-7 warrior. This puppet could actually hurt it.

Su Han quickly caught her and said loudly, "Why don't you listen to my orders!"

The Amethyst Maiden shook her head and said, "I am the guardian of the valley."