Uriel of the Werewolf Tribe!

"Lord Karusi, look..." Rambus looked at the orcs in front of him.

Karusi pushed him away and said expressionlessly, "Cut off their heads."

The orcs immediately roared, their eyes shining with a bloodthirsty light. Holding their huge axes, they charged into the adventurers like a group of wild beasts. For a moment, blood splattered, and their cries shook the sky.

Rambus smiled obsequiously. "Lord Karusi, please accept these people first. When we return to Saint Laurent City, I will send another 200 people to accept them for you. Our transaction has been going on for many years, so you can rest assured."

"The most important thing for a merchant is their reputation."

Karusi laughed loudly.

However, the moment he finished speaking, chaos suddenly appeared in the crowd. The body of an orc knocked over more than a dozen people and landed at his feet.