The Treasure of the Elven Empire!

While Ruth was leading her Snow Wolf Legion in that direction, a werewolf mage who was responsible for guarding the soul lamps of the werewolves rushed into the palace of the Wolf King from the depths of the underground.

He was in a hurry, his face was pale, and his eyes were trembling.

The werewolf soldiers guarding the palace looked at him strangely. He rampaged through the palace, passing through the front hall into the inner hall, and came to the place where the Wolf King was resting.

"Who is it!" The guard at the door frowned and stopped him.

The werewolf mage said with a trembling voice, "I am the Guardian of the Soul Lamp. I have something important to report to the Wolf King! Get out of my way!"

The guards in front of the door quickly let them pass, and their hearts immediately sank into unease.