Trash is Trash, A Pile of Mud That Can’t Be Helped!

Many of the students was guessing who their teacher of magic knowledge was.

"Laerya, you're the class monitor. You should know who was the teacher who teaches our magic knowledge course is, right?"

At this moment, a student sitting next to Laerya asked excitedly.

Laerya did not look at him sideways. She shook her head gently and said, "I don't know."

Her voice was clear, just like a bird. It made people feel very comfortable.

Mo Moxi, who was secretly watching Laerya, could not help but blush when she heard the voice.

She could not help but steal another glance at Laerya. The latter sensed the gaze and could not help but frown as she looked back.

'It's this person.'

'It's not over yet!'

'She hasn't looked away from me all morning!'

'She really doesn't know how to be polite!'

'She has no shame at all!'