Officially Leaving the Academy!

Following behind Ruth, this woman's palm... Was very moist.

Su Han was somewhat reluctant to break free.

Following behind her, he walked out of the academy.

However, Su Han didn't have so much time to play with her anymore.

After walking halfway, he directly stretched out a hand.

Three wheels of laws appeared.

Aura Concealment, Light Distortion, Tier-2 Acceleration!

Ruth felt her hand let go. She turned around and saw nothing. There was only an empty street behind her.

"Damn it, you still dare to run! I want to see where you can run to!"

Ruth was extremely angry, but she did not lose her mind.

Instead, she remembered Su Han's residence based on her memories and immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Ruth quickened her pace. She planned to go all out and directly send out the army to search!


Three days later.