Return to the Saint Laurent Magic Academy!

Timi's eyes lit up as she said softly, "Saint Laurent Magic Academy?"

"Of course," Su Han said.


The little elf cheered.

She had been yearning for the human society for a long time.

However, she had heard from her mother and clansmen in the forest since she was young that humans were very bad. Whenever they saw her , they would think of capturing her. Hence, Timi was so scared that she never dared to step out of the Elf Forest.

Now that she was by Su Han's side, she was finally not afraid anymore.


The little elf suddenly thought of something and quickly said, "Do you want to go with me? You can't leave me there alone if you're going."

"Of course not. Why would I leave you there alone?"

Su Han smiled and stroked the little elf Timi's head.

He thought it would be nice to bring Su Yu'er a playmate. This way, Su Yu'er would not be so lonely and Timi would not be bored.