Taoist Priest From the East?

"From now on, the official competition of the Magic Alliance, which is held once every ten years, begins now!"

"This competition will be conducted by drawing lots. Each contestant will be given a number. Those who are drawn from the first group will fight. Only the winner can advance to the next round!"


In the venue, a magician hosting the competition was reading out the rules of this competition.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the venue.

Even the group of magicians on the balcony lowered their gazes one after another, chatting with the people around them about a certain young magician that they valued.

Only Lilia sat in her seat somewhat bored, while Su Han sat in a small seat beside her that was specially prepared.

He looked at the genius mages below indifferently.

For them, there was really nothing to watch over a shop at such a level of battle.

However, what attracted his attention were those who were more special.