Jaime’s Thoughts!

Both Robinson and Jaime were very clear.

Their strengths were almost the same.

If they wanted to determine the winner, they had to use their own trump cards.

But if that was the case...

Robinson's eyes flickered.

Jaime, who was opposite him, also frowned. He looked at the surrounding audience who had their eyes fixed on him, as well as the mages who were also contestants.

Those who he suspected to be transmigrators also looked over without blinking.

He couldn't help but sigh.

He came from Earth, an ancient Eastern transition.

Originally, he was just an orphan. He was picked up by the abbey dean from a young age. He grew up in the Taoist temple and relied on his master.

In modern society, people lost their faith and the Taoist temple withered. There was no incense.

His master made a living by reading the faces, fortune-telling, or giving feng shui pointers to the villagers in the Taoist temple.