The Grand Occasion of the Skywind Chamber of Commerce!

At the same time, on the other side, at the Skywind Chamber of Commerce.

Before the sun rose in the morning, the gate of the Skywind Chamber of Commerce was already crowded with people. One magnificent carriage after another stopped at the gate of the Chamber of Commerce.

Some people who got up early all widened their eyes and stopped to watch the scene.

"Is that the carriage of Grand Duke Ryan from the south of the city? Why is he here personally?"

"That's the carriage of the Chen family's master! And that, that's Baron Sith!"

"These nobles, who are rarely seen, are actually waiting for the opening of the Skywind Chamber of Commerce today?"

The surrounding crowd discussed animatedly as they looked at the Skywind Chamber of Commerce's main gate in astonishment.

They didn't know what had happened to make these nobles gather together.