Assassin Organization, Destroyed!

However, at this moment, an emotionless voice rumbled over.

"There's no need."

With a huge explosion, countless pieces of rubble fell from the dome and crashed into the group of assassins in the plaza, causing fresh blood to spurt out.

A huge hole had actually been created in the dome.

Everyone's expression changed drastically as they raised their heads to look. Moonlight shone down from the huge hole. It was a youth dressed in a black robe with a purple halo floating behind his back. Elemental swords were revolving around him... He slowly floated down from the hole.

Those elemental flying swords pierced into the ground around him. At this moment, the people around him were actually killed in an instant.

All the assassins looked at the black-robed youth in horror.

This person was the Executioner who had killed the five shadow killers and destroyed several of their bases!

"So young!"