The Elves of the North Have Arrived!

A translucent female elf was floating in front of him. In the dark night, she was emitting blue light.

Her hair was floating above her ankles, and her whole body was emitting blue light. Her face was delicate like a god in the sky. He thought that Vivian and Ruth were the most beautiful women he had ever seen, but compared to this translucent elf, they were like diamonds on the ground and she was a star in the sky.

Holy and dreamy, one could not have the slightest sense of blasphemy.

"Who are you?" Su Han asked.

The translucent soul was only half a meter tall and very small. She did not answer Su Han's question. Instead, she slowly rotated around Su Han and finally floated in front of him.

Su Han's eyes widened, but he did not feel any hostility from her.

The spirit reached out and covered his forehead. With a light tap, Su Han immediately felt a cool aura surge into his mind.