The Youth Who Chased After the Evil Crows for Barbeque!


Hearing the shrill scream, Su Han's eyes widened as he sized up the gigantic bird of prey that was being held by its neck.

This bird of prey was at least half the size of an adult man. Its entire body was snow white, and its feathers were as sharp as an iron sword. Every time it cried out, a whistling wind and snow would blow around its body.

"What kind of bird is this?" Su Han opened his eyes wide and looked up and down. No matter what, the big bird could not struggle free.

"Is it a tier-3 magical beast?" Su Han frowned in disdain and said reluctantly, "Forget it. It's already good enough to have something to eat."

Under the miserable cries of the big bird, Su Han peeled its skin and bones, then roasted it with a fireball.

Putting a piece of meat into his mouth, Su Han suddenly widened his eyes and said, "How can the meat of this big bird be so fragrant?"