Tier-8 Combat Power?

In an instant, all the magic nuclei turned into light spots and entered his body.

The energy brought by dozens of tier-5 and 6 magic nuclei was enormous. Su Han felt a tearing pain in his brain almost instantly.

His brain was blank, and his soul had the illusion of wanting to collapse.

He tried to absorb too much high-level energy at once.

However, in this blank space, with only the pain of being torn apart, Su Han faintly felt as if he had touched that realm again.

And this time, his reason remained very clear, to the extent that it was terrifying.

He instantly floated up, standing over ten meters high in the air.

He had finally entered this realm again.

"No emotions, no perception. It's like being high up, but also like being detached." Su Han looked at his hands indifferently.