Kill Your Way Out of the Ground!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Waves after waves of magic energy charged towards Su Han. The powerful destructive force instantly vaporized the ground around Su Han.

"How about this! I'll see if you'll die!" a soldier roared.

The first round of artillery bombardment lasted for nearly a minute. All the soldiers stared at Su Han's position.

As the dust gradually dispersed, they were shocked to see...

In front of Su Han's position, a huge space crack that spanned more than ten meters appeared.

All their attacks landed inside the space crack.

The space crack slowly disappeared, revealing Su Han's expressionless face.

The power of the magic cannon was indeed very powerful, but it was far from being able to penetrate space. He used the internal space opened by the wheel of law created by space to divert all the attacks.

"A demonic machine?" Su Han raised his head expressionlessly and said, "That's it?"