The Road Dyed Red With Blood.

When the explosion gradually subsided, the people and soldiers who were not affected raised their heads and looked at the wasteland in the middle.

In just a few seconds, the Temple of Light, which had stood here for tens of thousands of years, had turned into ruins.

"Lord Temple Master!"

One by one, the soldiers roared and ran towards the burning wasteland.

However, when they were a few hundred meters away from that area, they stopped and stood motionlessly on the spot.

"That... That person..."

They trembled as they saw their Temple Master kneeling on the ground with his entire body covered in blood at the center of the explosion.

The clothes on his body had been completely torn apart. His body was covered in dense cracks, and a huge hole had appeared on his chest.

"The Temple Master... is still alive!" the soldiers said, trembling.