Two Human Emperors Separated By Ten Thousand Years.

On the altar at the end of the crowd, an old man with white hair slowly turned his head and looked at the youth who was slowly walking over.

A kind smile appeared on his face.

"Child, you're awake?"

Su Han raised his head and looked at the old man.

"I've seen you. In the deepest part of the Storm Hall, I've seen you."

When Su Han said these words, the old man standing on the altar looked at him deeply.

Everyone around him was stunned. They looked at Su Han with unspeakable excitement.

How long had it been since the Storm Hall?

100,000 years ago, on the Second Continent, the human race coexisted with all the other races and built the shrine that symbolized the supreme belief of the human race.

Only the strongest person of the current generation could enter the Storm Hall and gain the respect of the entire human race.

The person who could enter the Storm Hall was the king of the entire human race.