Maybe He’s Still Alive

Nuss asked in a deep voice, "What happened exactly?"

The guard said in a panic, "Sir! There's someone who broke in here. He's fighting with our people right now. Our people won't be able to hold on much longer!"

The people around stopped what they were doing and their expressions changed drastically.

Nuss grabbed the guard's collar and lifted him up. He said in a deep voice, "You're saying that the other party is alone and you can't even hold on against one person!? What are you doing?"

The guard trembled and said, "Sir, that intruder is... is... is the youth who destroyed the entire Temple of Light!"

"What!?" Hearing his words, the expressions of the people around him changed greatly once again.

Many people's faces were already pale. After that youth had done such a terrifying thing, he had already been listed as a must-kill for the various temples. Now, he had actually barged into this place!