Earth Dragon Pendant On Its Body

The Northern Land Spirit said in surprise, "It's been smelly for two years, yet it's still alive and kicking. As expected of a dragon."

The little dragon immediately turned around and saw Su Han standing at the side.

Immediately, it seemed to have seen its irreconcilable enemy as it roared and charged towards Su Han.

Thud! The little dragon fell and stood up to continue charging at Su Han.

In the end, it jumped up and bit hard on Su Han's shoe.

A threatening whimpering sound came out of its mouth.

Su Han was speechless. He shook it off but did not shake it off. He defended himself and said, "I didn't mean to forget about you!"

The little dragon seemed to have suffered an unimaginable insult. Its pair of dragon eyes were filled with anger.

It released its mouth and bit towards Su Han's hand.

Su Han was startled and said, "Don't."

With a clang, it bit on Su Han's finger, letting out a clear cracking sound.