I’m Back

They could be said to have been harassed.

A man covered in blood said in a deep voice, "You damn beasts, one day you will get the justice you deserve!"

The Dragon Scale Tribe leader laughed loudly, and the orcs around him also laughed mockingly.

"Justice? Let's see who dares to judge me!"

He picked up the big axe and chopped off his head with a 'pfft'.

Fresh blood splattered on the bodies of the other people, and a woman screamed shrilly.

"Speak! If you don't, I'll chop off your heads one by one!"

No one answered.

Puchi! Puchi!

The heads of the few people fell to the ground, and the few men all died in his hands. The leader of the Dragon Scale Tribe turned around and looked at the pale-faced woman, laughing ferociously.

The woman was scared out of her wits. When he raised the butcher's knife, the woman screamed, "Don't kill me! I'll tell you everything! I'll tell you everything!"