Subjugate Saint Laurent City

"Have the orcs discovered this place?" Linti closed his eyes and asked in a deep voice. "We will fight a bloody battle."

The surrounding people stood up, their eyes filled with despair. A few children sobbed.

The man who had just returned panted as he came to Linti's side. His eyes were filled with excitement.

He shouted, "We're saved!"

His voice traveled far, even breaking.

The surrounding people stood up and looked at him.

Linti's gaze turned heavy, "What's going on?"

The man replied excitedly, "Just now, a powerful man came to our Saint Laurent City. He's currently in the air above the city, killing those damn orcs! Based on his methods, he must be at least a tier-7 expert!"

The surrounding people revealed shocked expressions.

A tier-7 expert had come to their Saint Laurent City, and it was a human?

This was simply too absurd.