The Final Battle! Descend Upon the Imperial City!

After a long while, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the spatial gate.

The Thunder King supported the youth as they walked out of the spatial gate step by step.

Everyone's gaze fell on Su Han.

In the next moment, Ensai, the Elven Empress, the various city lords, and all the people he was familiar with all rushed towards Su Han. They anxiously caught the unconscious Su Han, their eyes filled with anxiety.

The Thunder King bit his lips and said, "I swear that from now on, I will swear my loyalty to His Majesty the Human King. If the human race had a King like you from the very beginning..."

He was so tearful that he could not speak.

Only he knew how the Human King had crossed the entire Empire's territory and made it through the rescue of hundreds of cities.

He had killed all the powerhouses in every city that could affect the rescue, and he had been constantly warping through space.