The Lifeline of the Human Race

The Northern Land Spirit took a deep breath and said, "Then what should we do with these lifelines? If something goes wrong with these things, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Su Han slowly revealed a smile.

"I will not waste any power that can fight against the First Human race, and the lifeline in our hands is the strongest weapon we can bring out."

The Northern Land Spirit said in surprise, "You mean..."

Su Han waved his hand, and a crack appeared beside him. The clone that he had created in the Elven Court slowly walked out.

That clone was only about ten years old, and it was one of Su Han's masterpieces.

The Northern Land Spirit felt that her breathing was a little difficult. She finally knew what Su Han was going to do. This was simply insane!

Su Han held his lifeblood and walked in front of his clone. He slowly said, "From now on, you are the entire human race."