A Great Dream

So this was the danger of the ninth level.

If you didn't get the Ancient God's approval, you would die. If you got the Ancient God's approval, you could continue to comprehend the Eternal laws!

When to comprehend and when to leave.

Didn't this mean that there was no difference from becoming a disciple?

"So, even if I can get the approval, I can't leave immediately?" Su Han asked.

"You should get the recognition first," the knight said coldly.

"He's right." The old man smiled and shifted his gaze from the knight to Su Han. "The Ancient God's burial ground can not be leaked, and it cannot be destroyed by outsiders! Therefore, unless the Ancient God's inheritance is obtained by someone else, no one can leave alive."

"So mysterious?" Su Han asked.

"It's not just the people who enter this place. You are unable to leave the Outer Island outside the chains or the outer chaotic space. You are unable to enter the real world."