King Arthur

The guards knew that their King was very famous, but they did not expect that even the people from the outer space knew about it. Thinking of this, they could not help but feel a trace of pride in their hearts.

"This matter still has to start from 30,000 years ago..."

"At that time, the British Starfield was facing the invasion of the Saxon people. The entire starfield was under an all-out attack. The people suffered heavy casualties. In less than a thousand years, they had already occupied an average amount of territory. The starfield was in danger of being destroyed."

Speaking of this painful history, the guard's face was also filled with sorrow.

"The King at that time was already old and could not take on the heavy responsibility of leading the people against the Saxons. In the end, he died on the battlefield."

"However, the old king did the right thing by appointing his 18-year-old son, Arthur Pendragon, as his successor."