Solved, Sudden Change

Although the 60 Knights were approaching aggressively.

But looking at the Knights behind her who were supporting her, Artoria did not panic at all.

But she could deal with them alone.

It was time to show them her true strength.

Suddenly, Artoria released the suppression on her body, and a huge aura filled the entire round table conference hall.

Seeing the aura on Artoria's body, all the Knights present were stunned.

She was no longer at the Godly Monarch Realm. Could it be that she was half-step into the Eternal Realm?

Therefore, no one had expected that she had hidden such a great power.

This reminded them of the special power that Lancelot had mentioned earlier.

Could it be that the King had used this power?

Looking at the powerful Artoria, the rebel Knights suddenly stopped in their tracks.

They were a little hesitant and did not know if they should continue.