Goodbye, Guinevere

Seeing all the knights behind her...

Artoria's heart was filled with anger.

These were her loyal subordinates!

They were the only knights left!

The hope of the British Starfield!

Now it was gone!

Not to mention the invasion of the Saxons, after losing so many Knights, it was uncertain whether the British Starfield, which was greatly weakened, could protect its territory.

Not only her, Guinevere was also shocked by the situation.

She just suddenly wanted to visit Artoria today.

She did not expect that she would first be taken hostage by a group of black-robed people to threaten her beloved King Arthur.

Then, she saw that all the Knights in the hall had fallen to the ground and died.

"You, what are you doing? Why did you attack them?"

Artoria turned around angrily and questioned Daniel loudly.

Seeing her own subordinates being killed with her own eyes, she wanted to kill him.