Violent Beating

After receiving Artoria from Su Han, the Green Leaf Godly Monarch hurriedly transferred energy to her to help her recover from her injuries.

Seeing that she was only left with one breath, the Green Leaf Godly Monarch felt a wave of heartache.

Her own disciple was fighting with someone not far away from her, and she actually did not notice it.

This made her feel very guilty.

With the replenishment of energy, Artoria finally recovered.

Looking back at her teacher's sad look, she smiled and shook her head to show that she did not care.

"Artoria, I'm really sorry. I heard a little shock earlier, but I thought it was something else, so I didn't care. If I had come earlier, perhaps you wouldn't have..."

Seeing Artoria injured to the point of death, the Deadwood Godly Monarch blamed himself.

If he had been more careful, perhaps such a thing wouldn't have happened.