
When Su Han woke up, it was already the afternoon of the second day.

He had never slept so comfortably before.

Looking at the sleeping Artoria beside him, a doting smile appeared on Su Han's face.

When he thought of the gentleness and the great feeling of his hands, Su Han's heart could not help but move.

They had been tossing and turning for a long time last night. If it was not for the sound insulation in the room, they might have been complained against by the people around them.

Su Han had originally planned to tease her, but he didn't expect that his actions of waking up would directly wake up Artoria.

"Did I wake you up? Do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Artoria rubbed her eyes. Last night, she felt very comfortable sleeping, and there was a strong sense of security around her.

However, when she just woke up, she was still a little muddled.