Rejection, A New Turning Point

"After all, there's no worse situation than this, is there?"

These words from Artoria instantly woke Fiona up.

She recovered from the state of mind where she was worried about gains and losses just now.

She finally understood her father.

As a clan leader, there were too many difficult choices.

And she was in this difficult situation just now, not knowing what to do.

But now she understood.

She didn't need to worry too much, weigh the pros and cons, and directly make the decision that was most beneficial to herself.

It seemed that she still had quite a big test before becoming the clan leader.

"Okay, I agree."

"That's great, Fiona. This way, our power will be even stronger, and we'll have more confidence."

Lux was very happy.

She actually valued Fiona because her strength was very important.

As for the other members of the Laurent family, they were not very important.