Meet With Him For The First Time

Ella had groomed herself and had changed clothes. She was wearing a maid uniform, and her hair neatly tied into a ponytail.

All the domestic servants were ready, and Edward, who had just arrived, made the atmosphere tense. Edward did not come alone. Rose was with him. Spoiling him, she continued to hook around Edward's arm.

"Good evening Mr. Edward, and Miss Rose? You look beautiful today," Ella said pleasantly. Rose smiled at Ella's praise.

"I want to take a shower first. Do you want to wait, Rose?" Edward asked Rose, while Ella just stood still and looked down.

"May I come to your room? There is no one here. You can't let me waiting together with the maid." Rose started flirting again.

"Well, you can wait in my room," Edward replied quickly. They left and were already heading to Edward Huxley's room.

"Huh ... what's wrong? if you must wait with the maid? are we so disgusting?" Ella feels angry.

But she turned around, to start her job. Staring at the plate on the table. Checking one by one, worried if she missed something.

The guests started arriving. Ella helped Alvin and Floretta greet the guests. Meanwhile, Laras and Hellen were already in the dining room.

There were at least thirty or so people present, not so many. But enough to make noise at the party.

Edward turned out to invite some DJ players who focused on the pool area.

"Bruk ..."

Ella bumped into a group of guests who looked like they had just arrived. Ella was surprised because she saw George was already in front of her.

This time George was already wearing a neat suit, 


A woman with short red hair came and approached him. She embraces George tenderly.

"Honey .. Do you know her?" asked the woman.

"I ... ah no, I don't know her," George replied quickly.

Ella looked down in annoyance, her hands tightly fisted.

"Sorry, excuse me," Ella said while walking past. She was still trying to hold back her sadness, but one tear of her eye managed to come out. Ella quickly wiped her tears.

"Are you all right, Miss?" Asked a man politely.

"Ah, I'm fine. Sorry." Said Ella.

The man smiled sweetly at Ella. Ella recognized the man, the man driving the red mustang.

"Can you tell me where the toilet is?" Asked the man politely. 

Ella also pointed towards the inside of the mansion. And the man immediately understood the explanation.

The party was getting crazy.  Ella could even see that some of the guests were getting drunk.

Even Edward, who was already getting very drunk, kissed a woman who was not Rose.

Ella is not surprised by Edward's attitude and all kinds of bad qualities, including changing partners easily. At first, Ella was concerned, but over time the feelings of concern were replaced by feelings of indifference.

Luckily tomorrow was a day off, so it was okay for Ella to stay up for a long time at the party.

It was getting late, and the guests, one by one began to go home.

Ella watched George and the woman who was getting very drunk. Ella avoided George. There is still a sense of discomfort to meet him face to face.

Finally, all the guests left. 

Edward, who was assisted by Alvin, was helped to his bedroom. Rose was still following. She even went into Edward's room.

Together with the other servants, they began to clean up the remains of the party. After two hours, they finally took a break. Ella lay down on the bed, staring at the face of her mother, who had fallen asleep first.

"Mom, I promise to you. We'll be out of here soon, and you won't have to work anymore." Ella said softly and touched her mother's face affectionately.

Ella woke up late that morning. Her mother purposely didn't wake her up. Out of pity to see her daughter who was too tired. Ella was ready with a black collared shirt, and blue jeans.

She tied her long hair, and she tied it on her black hat. Today is her schedule to take care of the horses. Jason usually comes home on Sundays.

Just as she wanted to hurry, Laras asked her help to put the silk blanket that had been finished for laundry. For put in Mr & Mrs. Huxley's room.

Ella had just finished arranging and neatly arranging the silk blanket right on the bed. She had time to notice her master's room, which was very beautiful, complete with luxurious furniture. Imagine one day he had a room like that.

Ella was already outside the room, walking past Edward's room. It seemed that Edward was still asleep with Rose. Nor did she care and continued to walk leisurely, impatient to head to the stable and meet Hercules.

"Shhh ... shhh ..." Rose suddenly appeared from behind Edward's bedroom door and only used a blanket to cover herself.

"Hey you, come here!" Said Rose began to command towards Ella.

"Morning, Miss Rose, can I help you?" Said Ella, still being polite.