Accompanying the Annoyed Edward

"What? George came to the party? And he said he doesn't know you?!" Kristy is surprised to hear all Ella's stories about the Saturday night party at the Huxley house.

"Maybe he's embarrassed by his friends because I'm a maid of Huxley's," Ella answered.

"I don't think so, okay! Well... You can't like that guy anymore, Ella!" Kristy started sipping her drink. The atmosphere of the school canteen was still busy with students who had just arrived.

"Am I like him? No way, you know there is a saying die one grows a thousand. There are still good men out there." Ella said with lied even though she felt disappointed with George's attitude. She wasn't sure if there were any nice men she could ever meet.

"Are your hands okay? Do you have to see a doctor to have it checked?" Kristy began to pay attention to Ella's right palm, wrapped in thick gauze.

"Ah, this ... It's okay. I just gave medicinal ointment, and then I gave a thick gauze to prevent infection." Ella explained, and Kristy looked in horror at the wound.

"Edward Huxley, he is crazy." Said Kristy.

"It's not much, still a small wound," Ella replied proudly explaining.

Suddenly Kristy glared at Ella, giving out a code from her eyes. Ella immediately looked up and saw George who was standing beside her.

"Hey Ella, can I sit down with you?" Asked George politely.

Kristy glared, even more, hoping Ella answer no for George.

"Sure. Have a seat, please," Ella answered quickly.

"Ella! Have you forgotten our conversation earlier," Kristy whispered irritably.

"Sorry, I hope it won't bother you two." Said George already took a seat next to Kristy and looked at Ella, who was in front with a sweet smile.

"I want to talk about something." Said George, looking doubtful and looking at Kristy.

"Ahhh ... alright, Ella, I'm going to Calvin. And George, watch out if you mess with my friends." Kristy's threat and she left them both.

"Ella, I'm sorry about what happened that night. You know my friends are a little weird and crazy. I just don't want you to be bothered by them." George began to explain.

"It's okay. I've forgiven you, George," Ella replied. 

Geroge was quite surprised by Ella, who excused herself so easily. It seemed to love completely blinded Ella.

"Ella, are you busy Friday night?" George was a little embarrassed when he asked

"Friday, (Ella thinks)... No, I'm not busy. What's wrong?" Asked Ella curiously.

"Can we go watch? Just take this as my apology." George smiled sweetly.

All the way home, Ella kept smiling strangely. Even the advice of Kristy, her best friend, she didn't listen to.

Her heart was fluttering. George's excuse seemed plausible. Ella thinks that George is a handsome prince who wants to protect him from bad people. She couldn't wait for Friday night.

Ella had just arrived at the Huxley family residence, a Limo she recognized belonging to Mr. & Mrs. Huxley was parked. And rightly guessed, they just arrived together with their daughter Clarissa Huxley.

"Good evening, Miss Clarissa." Ella greeted politely. She had stepped into a room with a pink nuance.

"Hi Ella, how do I look?" Clarissa asked. She is wearing a spring dress with a feather ornament around the neck.

"You look very beautiful." Ella replied, "I heard from Alvin, you called me? Is there anything I can help you with?" Asked Ella.

"Ella, what did you just do? And what's wrong with your hand. Ahh, don't say it was my brother." Clarissa said, and Ella just grinned without saying.

"If I don't know my brother, I think he likes you," Clarissa said indifferently. Ella just listened strangely as Clarissa expressed her opinion.

"Ah... sorry Miss Clarissa, I was in the flower garden helping Jason. Do I need to change my clothes first?" Indeed, there were some dirt stains on Ella's clothes and face.

"It's okay. You don't need to change your clothes," Clarissa said.

"Ella, as usual, I want you to help me sort all my old clothes and throw them away," Clarissa said arrogantly.

Clarissa Huxley, she's no worse than Edward Huxley. She and Edward were only two years different, but she acted like children. Pretty girl, spoiled, likes to be fun, and not very smart. Especially about fashion.

Ella once gave her opinion on what Clarissa should wear on the night of the farewell party. And thanks to her opinion, Clarissa became the Queen of Prom Night at that time.

Since then, Ella has become a fashion advisor for her.

"What do you do with all these clothes, Miss Clarissa?" Ella asked. She's looking at the pile of clothes that had been separated.

"Throw it away, I don't care," Clarissa replied casually, and she was still trying on the clothes she had just bought.

"Too bad, can I take it?" Asked Ella politely.

"Just take it! Usually, you like to take it too, don't you?" Clarissa quipped. 

Ella grinned widely and immediately brought all the clothes that had been neatly arranged in the box.

Ella walked out happily, Clarissa's used clothes weren't as bad as the old clothes people thought. Clarissa was willing to throw away her clothes, even though there was only a speck of stain. 

She does not want her beauty, to be deformed with clothes that are not suitable for her.

"If you keep smiling like that, I'll punish you, Ella." Said Edward, who saw Ella, who brought a large cardboard box.

"Good evening, Mr. Edward." Ella greeted a little surprised, and immediately lost all smiles. Edward didn't say hello back and just kept walking past Ella.

"What's wrong with him? Is there a prohibition here on not smiling?" Ella said slowly and started walking towards her room.

Mr. Huxley looked at his son's face through his glasses. His face seemed to be holding back his emotions. The wrinkles on his forehead grew more and more, watching his son's behavior.

"Can you explain this?" Said Mr. Huxley, who was already throwing the tablet, annoyed at Edward. A news story tells how Edward Huxley's love life with many women.

"Then what do you want, father?" Edward showed no fear at all.

"This year is the last year of your graduation! I have considered your name in front of all the higher-ups of the board of directors. And you end up messing with all these trash articles !!" Thomas said.

"Didn't the fruit fall not far from the tree," Edward replied.

"HOW DARE YOU !!" Mr. Huxley had already shot Edward a slap, Edward still showing disrespect. He glared at his father.

"Are you satisfied?" Edward had started to get up from his seat and began to turn around in annoyance.

"Edward? Are you still mad at me for what happened to your mother?" Shouted Mr. Huxley again.

Mrs. Huxley was in the doorway, facing his stepson. Edward looked in disgust at his stepmother.

"This is not about my mother. I'm only doing what you teach to me." Said, Edward.

"You are really!!"

"Darling, stop it enough. Just leave it, you don't have to be emotional. Give Edward some space to think." Said Mrs. Huxley who was at her husband's side.

Meanwhile, Edward walked casually.

Edward could not hold back his emotions. He looked for the figure he wanted to vent.

"Ella ...!!" Edward shouted.


The two of them were already in the Huxley family's private practice room - the Fencing Room.

Ella stared in horror at her master. She and Edward were all dressed in their fencing suits, protective masks, gloves. Even Ella was already wielding a saber-type weapon, which she held firmly.

Edward was the same. Hee was ready to fight.

"Mr. Edward? Are you sure? It's too late at night for fencing practice?" Ella asked confused.

"I'll give you triple overtime. That's what you want." Said Edward, who had already set his horse. Ella's eyes sparkled at once, hearing Edward's words.

Ella and Edward immediately closed their masks.

Edward didn't have to wait for Ella, who still looked ready. He attacked Ella blindly and without mercy. Ella tried many times to avoid Edward's attacks, but her palms were still sore, making the movement of her sword easy for Edward to predict.

"Ella, is this your only ability? Where have all I taught you?" Shouted Edward.

"Mr. Edward, don't you remember? I dug and closed the hole thanks to your kindness. And my hand was the victim." Ella replied, dodging Edward's attack and trying to counterattack.

"Now you're a weak woman, huh?" Edward quipped and gave Ella an attack on her stomach.

"Mr. Edward, I am honored that you still think of me as a woman," Ella said irritated because Edward's saber sword hit her stomach.

Ella immediately responded, but Edward fraudulently elbowed and pushed Ella, but Ella also pulled Edward's shoulder toward her.

The two of them immediately collapsed together. Edward was already on top of Ella. The two of them were panting breathlessly because they were tired.

Ella took off her mask quickly, "Mr. Edward, you cheated." Said Ella was still looking annoyed at Edward, who was right above her.

Edward took off his mask and stared a few seconds into Ella's face. Edward stared at Ella's face indistinctly, his breath still panting.

"Did I forget to say? It's is a free match?" Said Edward, who had risen and looked at Ella, who was still on the playing floor.

"That's enough. I want to take a shower first. And Ella .." Edward took a piece of a business card that was in his card wallet insert, then gave it to Ella.

Ella received the name card, written with the name of a woman


"Tell Alvin to pick up the woman. I want her to accompany me tonight. And also tell Alvin, I will be in the usual place." Edward explained, and it was past leaving Ella alone in the practice room.

"Huh ... it turns out that Rose didn't even last for a month. My guess was wrong." Said Ella disappointed with her prediction.