Bastard Part2 : First Kiss

After an hour of sorting out Clarissa's used clothes, Ella continued to stare at herself with satisfaction in the mirror. 

A long copper skirt with a white sleeveless shirt, she matches it with wearing a long white plaid blazer.

Laras watched her daughter, who looked happy and so excited. Laras suspects that Ella will date. Even though Ella repeatedly explained that this was just a show to watch together with a friend.

"Is he handsome?" Laras asked while continuing to arrange Ella's hair with a straightener.

Ella's face immediately blushed with embarrassment.

"Ahh, he must be handsome, right?" guess Laras.

"Mother ... you make me even more embarrassed," said Ella.

"I didn't think this old iron would be so useful. Too bad Miss Clarissa threw it away." Said Laras, who had finished arranging Ella's hair.

"Look, I make a little wave for your hair. You're so beautiful, Ella."

Ella was amazed by herself. She had never felt this neat and beautiful. Her mother helped her a lot, her make-up wasn't too thick, but it was enough to make Ella comfortable and hang out with her new look.

"It's cold tonight, and wears this." Said Laras, giving gloves and earplugs.

"Mom, thank you. I don't know what would happen to me without you." Said Ella hugging her mother.

"Remember, don't come home too late." Said Laras and gave a kiss on Ella's forehead with great affection.

Laras was already staring at Ella, who had gone with Jason. What a coincidence Jason was willing to take Ella because he was on the way home.

Ella and George agree to meet at the cinema they have agreed. Ella is a little late because of Jason's old car that goes too long.

Ella rushed into the theatre, worried that George would be disappointed with her.

Ella could see George, who was already waiting for her in the food and beverage area.

"Ahhh, he's really cute," Ella said softly, amazed to see George.

George wore a long dark brown sweater. He also wore a black blazer which made him more handsome.

"Hi George, I'm sorry I'm late." Ella greeted with a sweet smile.

George also looked at Ella in amazement. Ella looks different from her appearance now.

"George...?" Asked Ella confusion, because George just stared at her silently.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Ella. You look different. You're beautiful," said George honestly. Ella also became embarrassed to hear praise from the boy she had a crush on.

"Ell, I thought you weren't coming. So I didn't buy the ticket. Are you going to be angry?" Asked George.

"Angry, of course not George. Well, it's my fault for being late anyway. Maybe we could do something else. How about dinner?" Ella gave her an idea.

"I have a better idea. My father has a halfway house by the lake. There is a large collection of films owned by my father. The films are good. But, if you don't mind, it's not far from here." said George.

Ella was really in love. She obeyed George taking her to her father's halfway house.

George in his vehicle - a red Lancia.  He took them off to a lake not far from where they were before.

"Ella, make yourself at home." Said George, turning on all the lights in the tiny house.

"Your parents rarely come here?" Asked Ella, still looking around her. 

"It's been very late, most recently three months ago, when we wanted to go fishing." Said George, who had approached Ella, kept rubbing her hands because the air was getting cold.

"Are you cold? I'll light the fireplace. Would you like to come?" Asked George and led her towards the house.

"What are we going to watch, George?" Ella asked, carrying two cups of hot chocolate she had just made and some small snacks she found in the kitchen cupboard.

"How about this, Romeo and Juliet." Said George, Ella nodded in agreement.

The two of them were already sitting on a long dark red sofa. Ella sat with the blanket on her shoulders. They still enjoy the classic romantic film.

George often glanced at Ella, who seemed unconscious.

"Ella?" Call George,


George brought his face closer and closer. Ella felt her heartbeat very fast.

Ella saw more clearly the freckles around George's face. She also realized George's brown eyes were beautiful.

George wiped the remaining chocolate drink that was on the corner of Ella's lips. Ella was still speechless. She really could not move when George grabbed the nape of Ella's neck tightly.

Ella did not refuse. It seemed like she was following George's instructions. George's lips had landed on hers, crushing them slowly.

Ella felt a strange sensation. This was her first kiss. She also returned the grease of George's lips.

George's hand quickly grabbed Ella's shoulder, then pulled the blanket Ella was wearing. Not only that, but George also slightly pulled the blazer Ella was wearing, making Ella's shoulders visible.

"Cekrekkk ... Cekrekkk ... Flash ..."

The sparkle of a cell phone camera