Ella – Pretending Not To Know

"Jason ... You're too old. I'll carry all the manure. Just sit back and relax." Ella's orders

"Morning, Mom. I've tidied up all of Mr. Huxley's reading room. And Mom, I've also made breakfast for you." Laras looked at his daughter in confusion.

"Belinda (Belinda Looks suspiciously), I've been helping you clean up all the vegetables and fruit. You have to manage it, ok?" Point Ella towards the clean vegetables and fruit on the kitchen table.

"Jason, I told you don't to take Hercules along. You just sit there and enjoy your old days," Ella said irritably.

"Do you want to take MY PENSION ration? ELLA !!" Jason yells with mad.

"Alvin ... nice to see you, is there anything I can help you with?" Ella asked excitedly. Alvin just glanced suspiciously.

Belinda and Laras looked at Ella from the kitchen window, which is located opposite the backyard.

They look at Ella, who is too eager to help Jason in the Huxley family's flower garden.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Belinda, starting to arrange the vegetables into the refrigerator.

"I do not know. Today, she woke up very early. Even though this is a holiday, she has even started tidying up," Said Laras was also confused.

Belinda put a basket of apples beside her, looked back at Laras irritatedly.

"You are her mother, but you are not sensitive." Said Belinda,


"I heard from Jason, last night she went out with a boyfriend. And it was the first time for Ella. Right? Didn't she say anything?" Asked Belinda. And Laras just shook her head, still holding the cup of tea Ella made for her. 

"Something must have happened. Ella is always like that, right?" Belinda turned around and was still busy choosing what vegetables she should make for the Huxley family.

"Always covering up her problems, with all her passion and cheer." Belinda continued her words.

Laras again saw Ella in the flower garden with Jason.

"Oh, Laras, you must remember Mr. Edward's birthday tomorrow. Fortunately, Bobby will come in tomorrow. He said an important colleague is coming." Said Belinda.


Ella sat with her legs stretched out, looking at some of the flowers that had started to grow. She is also satisfied with the results of her work today.

Jason sat in his little chair, too, looked at the beautiful flower garden.

"So you don't want to talk? How was your first date?" Asked Jason.

"What? Oh, about yesterday, it wasn't a date, Jason." Ella said firmly, and again she felt annoyed remembering what happened with George.

"Ella, have you forgotten Mr. Edward's birthday tomorrow. Usually, you'll ask me what a nice present for Mr. Edward." Jason said back.

"Precisely because it's Jason! precisely because I remember his birthday tomorrow." Ella said softly.

Ella Memories;

"Mr. Edward, happy 11th birthday." Said little Ella, giving a pair of t-shirts with a picture of a rabbit. Edward just stared in silence and did not like it.

"Mr. Edward, happy 12th birthday." Said little Ella giving a birthday cake she made. Even the decor looks so messy. "I'll throw it away!" Said, Edward.

"Mr. Edward, happy 13th birthday." Said little Ella giving her a pair of green gloves. Edward just touched it with the tip of his finger, then left it on the table in his room.

Every year, Ella always gives Edward a birthday present. Even though she knew, Edward Huxley never liked her gift.

On his last birthday, she gave Edward a miniature black horse statue and said it was Hercules.

But Edward Huxley was always the same, arrogant and cold.


"Morning Mrs. Huxley, morning Miss Clarissa." Greet Ella politely.

"Morning Ella, I see you worked out this morning." Said Mrs. Huxley and looked at Ella, who was already sweating, and her clothes were covered with dirt.

Ella had just arrived at the front door carrying a pile of manure.

"Just spent a little time doing hobbies with Jason, Mrs. Huxley." Ella tried to be modest.

"Mom, is it true that tomorrow the Smith family will come?" Clarissa asked, not caring about Ella who greeted her.

"That's right, dear." Said Mrs. Huxley.

  "Mmm, I have to choose a nice dress," Clarissa said seriously.

"I heard their daughter is coming too. Abigail?" Clarissa asked again.

Mrs. Huxley just nodded, and the black limo was in front of them.

Ella put down her fertilizer and quickly opened the car door for the two of them.

"Have fun," Ella said cheerfully, even though she knew Mrs. Huxley and Clarissa won't hear it.

Ella had seen the Limo drive down and left the mansion. Ella looked back at her manure, which she would move to the back of the house.

Just as she lowered her head to get the fertilizer, she saw a pair of feet complete with shiny black shoes.

Ella looked up and saw Edward Huxley already in front of her. She immediately remembered what happened with Edward last night.

Edward was also silent and looked at Ella.

  Ella even immediately bit her lip in confusion. She could feel her heart beating rapidly.

"Morning, Mr. Edward," Ella said awkwardly.

Edward lifted his right hand, opened his palm as if he wanted to touch Ella's face, and wanted to brush the dirt on her face.

"Edward, let's hurry." Mr. Huxley had suddenly appeared from behind Edward.

"Morning, Mr. Huxley." Ella immediately saluted awkwardly. Mr. Huxley was also surprised to see Ella.

"Morning, Ella." Thomas answer with a smile.

A black limo appeared in front of them, and Ella did the same thing again. She also helped open the door for the man in front of her.

"Thanks, Ella." Said the driver because Ella helped his job.

Ella was still standing by the car, and Edward passed her and got into the car without looking at her for a second.

There was a feeling of disappointment that he felt when Edward was ignorant of herself. Ella should have gotten used to Edward Huxley's attitude, but this time it was different for her.

That afternoon Ella had made up herself. She was just about to visit Hercules. But on par with Alvin, who immediately called her.

"Ella .."

"Yes, Alvin,"

"Can you help me? Floretta is sick today. I haven't cleaned the fencing room yet, your mother's Laras is cleaning the pool area, also Helen is still busy with all the tablecloths and curtains. And I still have to check some lists of gifts, desserts, decorations .."

"Alvin, stop! OK, I'll help you." Ella immediately cut off Alvin's words and left him.

"It's so unusual, she didn't ask for double payments?" Alvin muttered.

Ella has already picked up some special rags and special cleaners. Start tidying up from the weapon rack, cleaning the battle floor, and other equipment.

In about an hour, she can clean the room itself.

She glanced at the weapon rack and looked at one of her favorite weapons, Ella took one of them.

She started playing it with some of the movements he learned.

"Come on, Ella! Do you think, you're the most handsome man?" Ella started cursing irritably and imagining Edward's face, occasionally cleaning the weapon with a special rag that she brought.

"For a moment, you tease me !! Then after that, you will be with other women?!" Ella was getting annoyed.

She began to switch to the next sword and began to play it again.

"You think I will easily fall into your arms right away, Hhh..! who do you think you are?" Said Ella. This time she returned to playing her sword.

Navigating swiftly, as if there were enemies who were fighting and challenging in front of her.

"Feel my sword first. then you can kiss me, Edward!" Ella said irritably. She made a move to avoid the opponent's sword and twisted her body.

Edward Huxley was standing staring at her intently at the entrance of the fencing room. Ella immediately lowered her sword, which she hid behind her body.

"Mr. EDWARD??" Ella said in surprise. She could see Edward, who was still wearing the same clothes in the morning.

Ella swallowed her own saliva.

"Why are you here, master?" Asked Ella again afraid.

Edward walked over, "this is my house, why? Am I not allowed to be here?" Edward said, but actually, Edward- himself asked Alvin where Ella was, when he had just returned home with his father.

(Ouch ... did he hear everything? huh ... Ella's face is getting panicked)

"Should I ask, who are you upset with it? I can hear all your cursing, Ella?" Edward was already close to her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Edward, my job has been completed. I'll be back ..." Said Ella immediately turned around. But Edward Huxley immediately blocked her path, causing Ella to stare in shock and confusion.

"Mr. Edward, please give me away."

"Why, Ella? why do you seem like you are avoiding me?" Edward asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Edward. I just wanted to finish my assignment. I'm sure Jason ...."

"Ella, is it because last night? You kissed me back last night." Edward took the sword Ella was holding and threw it beside her.

"Mr. Edward? I'm sure it was a mistake last night. I'm sorry ..." Ella argued, and Edward gave Ella an annoyed look.

Edward grasped Ella's shoulders tightly. They stare at each other silently.

Ella stared in horror and fear, "What do you want?" Said Ella.

Edward's eyes continued to stare at Ella's face. And it was that face that had been making it hard for him to sleep lately.

"Why Ella, you rejected me?" Edward asked with a haughty tone and a grim face.

"I just don't want you to play with my feelings," Ella answered.

Edward immediately loosened his grip. Ella took a deep breath, she started to walk and wanted to leave Edward quickly. And back, Edward tugged at Ella's arm.

"Don't go! You haven't even answered my question." Said, Edward. "You're rejecting me, Ella?"

Edward pushed Ella's body, cornering her against the side of the wall. His hands began to form a fortress so that Ella seemed trapped in Edward's hand fortress.

"EDWARD HUXLEY !!" Cried Ella exasperatedly,

Edward immediately forcibly kissed Ella roughly. Ella did not feel any tenderness in Edward's crazy kiss.

Ella didn't like Edward's attitude. And she pushed hard on Edward, who immediately bounced and fell.

"Edward Huxley!! Don't you think I am the same as the women you have met, or even slept with you? I am not as rich or as famous as you, and I am indeed a servant. But I still have pride." Ella was very annoyed. For the first time, she said the name of her master without any frills.

"I hope you can behave like a man with dignity." Said Ella, immediately turned around and left Edward.

"Hhh ... Ella Amber, we'll see how long you'll lie to your feelings."


"Arrgghhhh... I really want to kill him ..." Ella said irritably and looked at Hercules, whom she had taken out of the cage.

  Hercules just neighed.

"You know Hercules, Edward Huxley has never been serious about a single woman. And now he thinks because I'm a servant, I can just be fooled."

Ella had been devoting all her feelings to Hercules for almost an hour.

Her mind was completely in turmoil. Her emotions were overflowing with uncertainty.

She also did not play with Hercules for long, immediately put Hercules back into his cage. And again, she was lost in thought.