Is He Your New Boyfriend, Ella?

Ella clumsily clung to Edward, "Mr. Edward, I think this is enough. Can you take my hand off?" Ella said doubtfully.

Edward looked at Ella and looked irritated, he cleared his throat and immediately let go of Ella's hand.

"Thank you .. because you saved me." Said Ella again.

Edward was only silent for a moment, before looking back at Ella's face.

"Until now, I don't understand all your attitude towards me." Ella returned to open the conversation between the two of them.

"I don't deserve you, Mr. Edward. But I also don't deserve you to keep playing with my feelings." Ella lowered her gaze, so as not to get too annoyed to stare at Edward's face for too long.

"If you don't have feelings for me, please say so now. Please tell me in front of me that you don't have any feelings for me." Ella had already met Edward's eyes.

"I ..." said Edward confusedly.

"Please Mr. Edward, just tell the truth. If indeed you do not have feelings for me, I will soon get away from your life." Said Ella sadly.

Edward was silent, and he was still looking at Ella in confusion. "Get some rest Ella, you're not completely healed yet," Edward replied then turned around quickly and left Ella without answering.

Her left hand clenched tightly, Ella was very annoyed by Edward's attitude just now. Why does Ella have to cry again only for men who hang on to her love?

"How stupid am I?" Ella thought sadly.

Mr. Huxley secretly was staring from his reading room on the second floor. He saw it all, and there was a growing suspicion of Edward and Ella. Was it because of this that his son turned down the planned engagement to Abigail Smith?



"Ohh ... look how beautiful you are, Ella." Puji Laras looked at Ella who was wearing a pink dress.

The dress has no sleeves, the chest is also still politely tightly closed. The cut neck is square-shaped, showing Ella's collarbone that stands out.

The cut of the dress wasn't too short either, maybe about 10cm above her knees. Ella's legs were very long, so she didn't need to wear tall shoes. Even though she couldn't use it either, because Ella still had to walk using her cane.

"They said this dress was a present for you because they didn't have time to visit you at the hospital." Said Laras, still amazed to see her daughter who has become an adult.

Ella looked back at herself in the mirror, Prom Night event this time was memorable for her. With all the supports still on her body.

"When will Ron pick you up?" Ask Laras again. "Should be a little later, Mom." Said Ella uncertainly.

Assisted by her mother, Ella walked towards the front of the Huxley family house. But it turned out that just past the Huxley family room, they could both see Mr & Mrs. Huxley was chatting with Clarissa.

"Whoa Ella .. are you going to wear that?" Said Clarissa who was curious, "Umm ... you mean, this dress?" Ella asked doubtfully.

"Not what I mean, this (points to all of Ella's crutches). You would make it less memorable, if I were you I'd better not come. Instead of humiliating yourself." Clarissa started giving advice.

"Clarissa .. you can't say like that. You still look beautiful Ella," said Mrs. Huxley means it. Meanwhile, Mr. Huxley seemed indifferent and was still busy reading the news and articles on his tablet.

"Thank you, Mrs. Huxley," Ella replied politely. Edward Huxley was just coming down the stairs. His gaze was suddenly diverted by Ella who was already tidy and ready to leave.

"Are you going out with someone?" Clarissa is still curious,

"Well ... I think so ... we already made an appointment tonight." Ella deliberately raised her voice so that Edward could hear what she had said.

Mr. Huxley glanced slightly through his reading glasses. Laras stared in surprise at her daughter who suddenly increased the volume of her voice.

Edward descended the steps slowly and carefully, his eyes still on Ella. But it can be seen from the look on his face, that there is a sense of anxiety that he is showing without realizing it.

"Ahh ... let me guess ... is he your new boyfriend, Ella?" Clarisa grinned broadly as if she knew the answer was correct.

Ella just smiled and didn't answer, she glanced slightly at Edward, who she knew that man was showing displeasure with his own sister's words.

"Excuse me everyone, sorry we have to say goodbye first." Said Laras, lowered her head politely and led Ella to the outside.

"Hi Ed, where are you going?" Clarissa asked again.

Mr. Huxley still doesn't seem to care about Edward who is about to walk out.

Their latest quarrels and debates can still be felt very tense. No one yet wants to budge between the son and the father.

"Get some fresh air." Edward replied that he immediately looked away, while Clarissa just stared in confusion, "Why is he suddenly going to leave huh?"

Mrs. Huxley grabbed Thomas's thigh, hoping that her husband could hold back his emotions in front of Clarissa. "Calm yourself, dear. This is not the time for you to argue with Edward." Said Mrs. Huxley.

A blue Honda Civic 90s edition was parked in front of the gate, Ron grinned at the sight of the beautiful Ella that night.

"Hello Mrs. Laras, Hello Ella. And ... wow you look different tonight. You look prettier, Ella." Ron praised again.

"You too Ron, you look handsome without your glasses." Ella praised back. And sure enough, Ron's face wasn't bad. Without his glasses, he becomes sweet and handsome.

"Ron, I entrusted my daughter. And don't hurt her tonight, OK!" Laras began to warn.

"Take it easy Mrs. Laras. I will protect it with all my soul." Ron answered innocently.

Ella laughed at what Ron said, which made the man blush.

"Have a seat, my princess," Ron opened the car door. And Ella carefully got into the car.

"Hope you can enjoy this luxurious trip." Ron was about to run his father's old car.