Unexpected Meeting

Briston City - One Week Since Ella's Move

"Have you worked in a bookstore before?" Asked the man, Ella shook her head quickly.

"But don't worry, I can learn quickly." Ella gave her the widest smile and tried to convince the shop owner.

"Mmmm...." The man seemed to think and looked back at Ella who was still looking at him expectantly.

"Okay, Miss. Ella, you are accepted to work here. But remember because you are in in the middle of the month, then you cannot receive your full salary."

"Thank you, Mr. Barnard." Ella grinned with great pleasure.

Ella immediately went home, her heart was very happy. She had been looking for work for the past two weeks, and finally, after much effort, she found a part-time job in a small bookstore.

Ella rode a bicycle that she had recently bought for an inexpensive price and certainly didn't cost her any savings. She continued to pedal fast, carrying some bread she bought on the way home.