Allow Me To Fill Your Empty Heart, Ella.

"How about the food, isn't it delicious? Or... are you still hungry? Just order, whatever you want, don't worry, I'll pay for it." Calvin looks excited.

Meanwhile, Ella and Alfred, who had finished their dinner, we're unable to fill their already full stomachs.

"Thanks, Calvin, I'm very full," Alfred politely declined.

Ella cleared her throat loudly before opening her mouth to speak, as the two men at the table stared at her.

"So... Calvin? What's your real goal?" Ella asked with maximum suspicion.

"Come on... Ella, you're always like that. Always suspicious of me." Calvin put on his innocent face, while Ella couldn't believe it anymore. Alfred could only smile and listen to those who had started arguing.

"I told you, the answer is no," Ella said very curtly,

"Ha..? I haven't even asked you anything yet. And you've already given me an answer?" Calvin leaned slightly, feeling like he wanted to knock on Ella's stubborn head.