Say, If You Are A Murderer


Caroline was sitting relaxing in a small garden, a thirteen-year-old boy was beside her.

The boy was very spoiled by his mother, and he deliberately slept on his mother's lap.

"Mom, you'll be fine, won't you?" asked the boy.

Caroline looked at her son, her pale face still showing a warm smile towards her son who was still waiting for her answer.

"Calvin, I want to see you grow up. Maybe even carry a grandson from you," said Caroline.

"Mom...! I'm only thirteen, are you going to tell me to get married soon?" Calvin begins to protest against his mother's strange idea.

"This child... you are just like your father. it's too soon to conclude."

"I'm not like dad, mom! I just want to be like you! Dad's always busy and gets angry easily. I don't like him." Calvin's protests returned, and Caroline laughed at her son's words.