You're Not My Monther! Who Are You?

Calvin was free from Ella's grip, but his eyes were still staring at Ella in annoyance.

He felt that Ella had set him up, and he must help his friend, a very difficult request for him to do.

Ella had just arrived from the back of her apartment, carrying a long roll of white cardboard. Carefully, she placed the scroll on the table.

Ella put away the various foods and drinks that were on the table.

Her hands swiftly opened the scroll, Luna and Calvin watched curiously.

Ella looked at her two friends, her eyes began to notice the look on Luna's and Calvin's faces who were still confused.

"No one has ever known about this. I've been hiding my plans for so long," said Ella.

"You remember Calvin, why did I ask you to help me work at Fogue?" Ella looked at Calvin who could only be silent and nodded slowly.

"This is the reason." Ella pointed at the table, showing a photo of her mother stuck in the middle of the cardboard.