George And Alfred ; A Little Secret

Just Before - Employee Party Celebration.

George spread his arms, satisfied with his work. He walked towards the drink table because he was starting to feel thirsty.

He accidentally saw Alfred, a man he had not seen in a long time. And he wanted to avoid it at that time. But unfortunately, the two men looked at each other, their gazes did not look friendly.

"Alfred? What are you doing here?" asked George, who didn't give a friendly greeting.

Alfred's black eyes stared directly at him with a cold gaze.

"I accepted the invitation from my lover, How about you? What are you doing in this place? Are you looking for a woman you can seduce and trick?" Alfred answered very casually, sipping his drink.

"Hhh... watch your words just now! And... your lover? What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you and Ella?" George started guessing, and Alfred smiled because it was George who started to guess right.